Cyber Security Privacy e Data Protection
Become a Data Protection Officer
Become a Data Protection Officer
Become a Data Protection Officer
The data Protection Officer (hereinafter DPO) is a figure introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 | GDPR, published in the European Official Journal L. 119 on May 4, 16.
The DPO, a figure historically already present in some European legislation, is a professional who must have a corporate role (whether internal or external) with legal, IT, risk management and process analysis skills.
Its main responsibility is to observe, evaluate and organize the management of the processing of personal data (and therefore their protection) within a company (both public and private), so that they are treated in compliance with privacy regulations European and national.
This subject is already known in the Anglo-Saxon world with the term Chief Privacy Officer (CPO); Privacy Officer, Data Protection Officer or Data Security Officer.
The contents of course are
- The evolution of the Privacy Code
- The Privacy figures in the GDPR
- The purposes of the Privacy treatment
- Definition of personal data
- The categories of personal data according to the GDPR
- The particular data (ex Sensitive data) – Art. 9
- Health and biometric data Art. 4 and 9 GDPR
- The data (ex Judicial) – Art. 10 GDPR
- The Register of Treatments
- The rights of the GDPR
- The Data Breach
- The DPO functions and obligations
- How to write the privacy policy for DPO
- Adaptation to companies in terms of privacy and DPO
- How to write an appointment as manager/owner and DPO
- What skills should a DPO have?
- Who will have the obligation to hire the DPO?
- Who is not obliged to hire a Data Protection Officer?
- A single DPO for business groups
- How much does a DPO cost?
- What does DPO independence mean?
- What requirements must a data protection officer have?
- DPO in practice
The EuroFormation training school is recognized by The European Center of Independent Certification in E-Learning (ECICEL).
Professional opportunities
The work of the DPO is specified in art. 39 of the European Personal Data Protection Regulation lists the main tasks of the DPO (Data Protection Officer): 1. The data protection officer | DPO | is responsible for at least the following tasks:
- inform and advise the Data Controller or the Data Processor as well as the employees who carry out the processing regarding the obligations deriving from this regulation as well as from other provisions of the Union or of the Member States relating to data protection
- monitor compliance with this Regulation, other Union or Member State provisions relating to data protection as well as the policies of the Data Controller or Data Processor regarding the protection of personal data, including the attribution of the responsibility, awareness and training of personnel participating in the treatments and related control activities
- provide, if requested, an opinion on the impact assessment on data protection and monitor its progress in accordance with article 35
- cooperate with the supervisory authority;
- act as a contact point for the supervisory authority for issues related to the treatment, including the prior consultation referred to in Article 36, and carry out, as appropriate, consultations on any other matter.
In carrying out its duties, the data protection officer duly considers the risks inherent in the processing, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the same
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